22 Oct 2024


Other Companies Catery Technology Vigor VG5C-Pa BIOS Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: Catery Technology Vigor VG5C-Pa
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)


File: VG5C-Pa2_4.ZIP


Other Companies Catery Technology Vigor VG5C-Pa Driver. This was sent to me, after I requested some help for someone else, I could not find this anywhere on the internet. I do not have this mobo, so I have not tested it.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 131072 05-14-99 15:33 5pav240v.bin 22229 03-05-99 12:16 Awdflash.exe -------- ------- 153301 2 files

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