16 Feb 2025


Azza PT - 6IBP-H / PT - 61BP-H (for Intel 440BX/ZX)) BIOS Driver

Company: Azza
Model: PT - 6IBP-H / PT - 61BP-H (for Intel 440BX/ZX))
Operating System: Windows 3.1 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: pt_6ibp.rar


Azza PT - 6IBP-H / PT - 61BP-H (for Intel 440BX/ZX)) Driver. BIOS updates, 3 various (by date)

00.bin The reliable to trust - Winmax [26-I-99 PT 61BP/H]


01.bin 07/08 6BE2 FOR 440BX/440ZX JUMPER (Y2K)


02.bin 02/23/00 6BE FOR 440BX/440 ZX JUMPER (Y2K READY)



This BIOS (latest one), gives you ability to install P-III high processors (tested: P-III 600B - FSB 133 MHz), Celeron (tried Celeron 800, FSB-100 MHz), large drives - above 40 GB (tested Western Digital 400BB, Samsung SP0411N)


I strongly reccomend this BIOS - luckily let me to run a one precious CPU bought for 7$ - Intel Pentium II 333 on the unbelivable FSB - 100 MHz), dunno if it was a lucky one :D But it did. CPU Stepping was: 1, and it was assembled in Ireland. You need also a good fan (ball bearing recommended).

Contact me on any related issues - hopefuly I can help.

I LOOK FOR THE BIOS for other AZZA products, because the manufacturer no longer provides support for them. If you have any - or know a location where I can find them - please let me know.

I personally think - that idea of sharing drivers is great :D And it should be maintained.

Best wishes,

Brick Genuine

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